How do you plan your BAS workloads?
How do you determine when you have enough staff?
How can you make sure that you are maximizing the profitability of your BAS projects?
In this episode, we answer a listener question on how to properly estimate their workloads and project staffing.
We also explore strategies on how to maximize profitability in our building automation businesses.
How do you maximize your sales success?
How do you grow your building automation accounts?
In this episode, I discuss the tips and techniques I have learned from top-tier sales executives as well as the strategies I have personally used to grow my own business from zero to 4,600+ paying customers.
You will learn:
What is working in building automation?
What changes could you make to be more successful as a building automation business or in your building automation career?
In this episode, I discuss 11 of the most impactful things I've learned leading the fastest-growing building automation training business in the world.
Have you ever logged into a BAS only to find all the controllers and points offline?
What do you do?
How do you troubleshoot the problem?
What if there was a proven approach to identifying why your data wasn't getting to your front-end?
In this episode, we discuss how data is collected from I/O and delivered to your front-end. We also look at the most common issues that impede data flow and how to fix them.
Data Lakes, Digital Twins, BI...
Every day it seems as if the world of data is becoming more complex. In this week's episode, we will discuss exactly what today's BAS professional needs to understand about data in order to survive.
We will look at how data is stored, visualized, analyzed, and much more in this week's insightful episode.